Group classes

There’s no required level of experience, strength or flexibility to join any of Rani’s classes. You will have space and time to develop those in your own time. The environment Rani creates is welcoming, supportive, gentle, non-judgmental and non-competitive. This will support you in gathering the tools you need to find your unique path. Be prepared to feel more aware, energized, stronger and in-tune (with your own self, others and your environment), at peace and cantered in the present moment.

Rani’s classes are usually based around theme and/or area of the body, classes can focus on core and stability, the spine, releasing tension in the upper back, shoulders and neck; or a specific bodily system such as improving the function of digestion and elimination, the immune system, the nervous system. Or it could be a theme related to a topic such as embracing change, coping with stress, releasing fear and relaxation. 

Private yoga sessions

Private yoga classes are a wonderful way to really make sure that your individual needs are being met in your yoga practice.  Whilst it can be inspiring and energizing to practice with other people, group classes don't necessarily work for all people at all times in their lives. Sometimes we need a little bit more one-on-one attention to really get the most out of our practice.

Private yoga sessions are available in your own home, where Rani can show you how to integrate yoga into your daily routine. Or consider getting your friends together and organising your private yoga class at a time and place that suits you!
Classes can be either 60 or 90 minutes in length with a personalised relaxation being included in the longer class.

In Rani’s Private Yoga Sessions, each session is designed specifically for you, and will focus on exercises for your body type, taking into consideration your fitness level, stress level, and your personal health and goals.  Classes are private and confidential, and you’ll get more hands on attention than you would ever get at a public class.

Private sessions could be perfect for those of you who:

  • have a busy schedule and find it difficult to get to a scheduled group class
  • are nervous about jumping in at the deep end and would prefer a gentle more personal introduction to yoga.
  • want to work more intensely and dynamically on thier practice with 1:1 attention to detail.
  • are pregnant or have young children at home.
  • have frailer bodies, or are in recovery from illness.
  • have a disability or something else that requires closer attention to detail than the group class can offer.  
  • Want extra hands-on assisting.


“Thank you Rani for delivering the best yoga sessions I’ve ever had. After your session, I feel revived and full of life. You are wonderful teacher, with very good knowledge of yoga. Your pleasant approach when working with people is very calm and inviting. You truly inspire living a harmonious lifestyle.”   -  SOFIA 

"She was excellent, still in the zone"  -  MICHAEL